Silver Acorn Caddy Spoon, 1812 Joseph Taylor

Acorn silver caddy Spoon Birmingham 1812 Joseph Taylor
Acorn silver caddy Spoon Birmingham 1812 Joseph Taylor DSCN2368 DSCN2369 DSCN2370 DSCN2371


Caddy Spoon - Acorn - Birmingham 1812 by Joseph Taylor - 7.2cm long - TN/4495

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The acorn is one of the most popular types of Georgian novelty silver caddy spoon. They were made in a variety of forms including the cut-out flat sheet and this type which was made by Joseph Taylor and is an especially attractive example.

The bowl of the caddy spoon is shaped like an acorn and is chased to one end to distinguish the cupule, has an engraved design to the pericarp and a looped, twig handle. It is one of Joseph Taylor's most pleasing creations and despite its fragility this example remains in excellent, undamaged condition.